Hulp Met Leshiy1 Classic

Help With Leshiy1 Classic

Still some additional info on that red cat and his knowledge/influence.

The (occasional) problem with a Leshiy1 was actually mainly in the hinge block and in the blocking system of that block.
Mostly, what was the case? If you put the L1 on high power and you fired. the hinge would sometimes click open. Not a dangerous situation because: The shot had already fallen and the pellet was already thundering toward the exit of the barrel. But: As an avid Edgunista, it did irritate me!

I just didn't understand what caused it. The Eureka moment came when I was tinkering with the red fellow at the dinner table. The spring that pushed the locking piece forward had thick coils and felt as stiff as the rear suspension on my Kreidler Florett (my generational friends remember it). The solution was a matching washer under that spring in the chamber of the spring. Tried that and voila... That was the solution. That way I was able to get about a dozen Leshiys right for buyers anyway.  

How that little cat (still missing an eye here) knew that? No idea. What his prior education was I don't know.  He was a foundling/lucky find. Found a few years ago on a cold September morning at about 5 o'clock at a carp water near Drimmelen (South of the Netherlands). I went to drop my son off there and set up a tent for the rest of the fishing days and nights.
In the soggy meadow, we were distracted by a screeching sound. It sounded like an animal in distress. Perhaps caught in a rat trap? I went searching in the foggy dark with a flashlight and.... there it came running! Only a few weeks old and probably dumped in the outlying area by an owner who didn't want a kitten that had a few problems.
Well, we are happy with it and you just see how much inspiration such an animal can bring!



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